Feb 3, 2011

Running outside again

Hello. Haven't checked in this week... been so busy with life and school and work. You know how it is. 

I've been doing great this week. Finally started running outside again, and for the first time ever I'm doing it in the mornings, before anyone else is awake in my house. It's been awesome! I went out Tuesday morning, and again yesterday, because the weather was just great yesterday morning. This morning it was very cold outside, and my running clothes are very stinky, so I decided to stay inside and do a Margaret Richards workout instead. I haven't done one of those since I was about 40 pounds heavier, and lemme tell you they are MUCH easier now. I even used my 3lb weights. 

It's funny, because I find that it's not so much what you eat, but how you eat it. Last night's dinner was 2 slices of ham pizza from the local place (not any healthy kind of pizza), and 3 chicken wings, all dipped in ranch dressing (about 1.5 tablespoons). The night before, I ate my mother-in-law's award-winning biscuits (one of my very favorite foods) for breakfast-dinner, with scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, and ketchup. Both times I was careful though, not eating too much in quantity, and skipping breakfast meats. Also, the rest of the two days I rocked out. Yesterday I had like 5 servings of vegetables and about 800 calories before my pizza/wing dinner. The day before was similar. 

So, eating right has a lot to do with your attitude, not even necessarily what you're eating. I will still lose weight, over time... I will still maintain the notion that I am a "healthy eater," even if some meals are crazy fatty and indulgent. It's my whole life, and I am going to enjoy it. 

Food sofar today: 
8 "stone" wheat crackers (the kind with no salt on them)
a Trader Joe's dried fruit bar (like Stretch Island fruit, but with more fiber)
Luna White Choclate Macadamia bar
(these were "breakfast" spread out over several hours. I had an unusual morning.)
Lunch just a Healthy Choice Honey Balsamic Chicken steamer meal
Only 590 calories sofar today, so I'll be snacking this afternoon. Pretty much all I've got are Kashi chocolate chip cookies, so I guess I'll have one of those before going to pick up the kids. 


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