Feb 15, 2011

Perfect Saturday, and a couple more good days

I know it's Tuesday already, but I want to talk about Saturday. It was perfect. So nice and quiet at home... I ate really good food all day, and when I got hungry I would snack on pure vegetables. Took some snap peas and 2 carrots with me when I had to go out in the car, to just munch while I drove. Drank lots of water. Played Legos with the kids, colored with them, and had a great visit with Sara and CC that evening. I went for a walk/run with Tayan Saturday afternoon, just to see how it would feel... it didn't feel good. I could feel the twinge in my back the whole time, and the next morning it was obvious. 

I'm cool with that though, because now I know. I have to lay off for running for awhile, maybe forever. Doesn't matter. I've decided that 2010 was "the year of running" for me (or year of running), while 2011 will be "the year of biking." I love riding a bike. Unlike running, which is really frustrating to me the whole time, biking reminds me of being a kid. It's like I'm 12 years old again, and the bike, me, and the road are all that matters. I can really get into biking, maybe like I never have with running. It's slightly more expensive, but for now I'm going to work with the crappy bike I have. I did buy a helmet this weekend, because I really can't go biking without one. My next purchase for the bike will be a chain, so I can chain it up outside the grocery store while I run in. I can't wait to do that! Getting exercise AND accomplishing a chore. Love it! 

I had a very decadent dinner last night; something called "Southern Pimento Cheese Burgers," and other than taking off the bacon, I ate the whole thing in its full-fat force. Also had birthday cake for dessert (weird, but Valentine's Day is both of our dad's birthdays). I also ate several Dove milk chocolate hearts. No guilt though, just making note of these things. I also played 3 games of ping pong with Bryan (yes, I'm counting this as 'exercise'), and the 3rd game I came close to almost winning. One day I will beat him! 

Today has been great. Left the kids with my completely adept brother-in-law today, which should be fun for all of them. Bryan did lots of running around this morning so that I could stay at work and get my experiment accomplished--which I actually DID (couldn't have done it without Derek though). So now it's done, and I can sit back and think about what's next (after this blog entry of course). Really need to get started on homework that's due on Friday, so that's next. 

Food sofar today: 
Smoothie for breakfast: 1/2c plain yogurt, 1tsp honey, 1/2tsp vanilla, 2c spinach, 5 frozen strawberries, 1lg banana
Lunch: Healthy Choice Lemon Herb Chicken; 1/2 of a sandwich thin with olive oil, salt, and oregano, toasted; 2/3 of an orange; 2 milk chocolate Dove hearts (thank goodness that's all I have here with me)
Calories sofar: 669


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