Jan 3, 2011

Ready to Rock it Out

Eating this weekend wasn't the best. Firstly, New Years Eve was a jumble of drinks, snacks, drinks, and then a slight hangover. Saturday was spent pretty much eating whatever I wanted, and began with a huge and fatty breakfast. But, I relished a day to just rest and veg. It was kinda nice being slightly hungover. It was like "whatever" all day. I knew this day wouldn't affect future days, and that is always a relief. 

Yesterday was weird, eating-wise. I started with a slice of banana bread a la Roni, then I had about 2/3 of a scrambled egg leftover from the kids. Went to church, helped undecorate, and partook in the unhealthy lunch provided to us: Little Caesar's pizza (I had 2 slices), full-fat banana bread (one slice), and they had chips and dip and brownies, but I didn't partake in those. Next we went home, chilled, and eventually got hungry again. At around 3pm, we had a meal somewhere between lunch and dinner: leftover open-faced steak quesadillas on pita, and a few roasted potato fries. At around 6:30, got hungry again and thawed some homemade pumpkin soup of the husband's awesome recipe (very low fat), and then a small Caesar salad. I also had about 1.5 ounces of chocolate. I'm not sure how I did for the day, but I know it could've been worse.

I spent the evening reading the first 6 chapters of Kara Richardson Whitley's Fat Woman on the Mountain, a book suggested by Roni that I received as a Christmas present. It was delightful to have something to read, and to hear someone writing about many of the same thoughts I've had throughout my life. One of the things that really has hit me is the comments you get on being thinner. I'll save that for another blog post, but it was just so good to read it coming from Kara. 

After reading and laying on the couch for like 2 hours, I got up and did some exercises before going to bed: push-ups, crunches (with leg lifts!), stretches, and some lunges. I didn't even count any of them, I was just busy talking to Bryan about the book.

This morning I stopped at the grocery store to stock up for work for the week. I bought a bunch of stuff: squash and zucchini, kiwi, banana, yogurt, blueberries, Silk, Clif and Luna bars, and Kashi stuff is on sale at Kroger so I bought 2 boxes of cereal, and for the first time am trying their box of chocolate oatmeal cookies and blackberry soft-baked cereal bars. I also got broccoli, whole wheat hot dog buns, and lower fat Hebrew Nat'ls for dinner with the family tonight. 

For breakfast I had:
  • Kashi Go Lean Crunch Honey Almond Flax (2/3 cup)
  • 20 blueberries
  • 1/2 of a banana (will eat the other half later, but already logged the whole thing)
  • Silk Light Chocolate Soy Milk (they were out of light vanilla, and this was actually the lowest calorie of all soy and almond milks available)
Lunch will be: 
  • Lean Cuisine Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Chicken
  • roasted squash and zucchini in my toaster oven, with olive oil, oregano, salt, and pepper
  • then snacks this afternoon, maybe a kiwi and later a chocolate chip cookie
Dinner tonight:
  • a Hebrew Nat'l light beef hot dog
  • whole wheat hot dog bun 
  • ketchup
  • roasted broccoli with chili powder and olive oil
  • potato in some form, maybe baked


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