Sep 8, 2012

For the Record 9/8/12

As promised, here is my second installment of For the Record, my new Saturday tradition of telling about my day.

Bryan and I woke today sans kids, and it was lovely. We slept in late ('till almost 8 o'clock), had coffee, and headed to the tile store. We spent over two hours there, unencumbered by whining children, and picked out tile for several projects we plan to have done at our new house.

Yes, that's right, our new house. We have a contract, are pre-approved for a loan, and a plan to buy a new house! We are very excited, but feel like we've lost what we hoped for so many times before, we are still waiting to see if it really actually works out. Bryan's done so much work planning the necessary projects to make the house better for our use... we've met with contractors, HVAC guys, and are trying to see an electrician.

It's such a weird feeling to really feel like all this craziness we've been dealing with finally has an end in sight.

After the tile store, we went out to pick up the kids, then went to lunch. Zene was ridiculously tired today, and napped a little in the car on the way home. We chilled at home for awhile, watched some tv, then I went to the store to get stuff for Bryan to make dinner. The kids played with their friend DJ all day, and are now having a sleepover with him. I hope they actually go to sleep sometime tonight.

We had dinner, I made chocolate chip cookie bars, and now we're settled in to watch random football games. This is the point of the night where I would normally read the book I've been reading on Kindle, but alas I left my iPad at work yesterday, so I will go without. Feeling kinda sleepy anyway.

Saturday nights are awesome. Very different from how they were 12 years ago, but just as enjoyable.


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