Jun 29, 2010

Update on Me

First of all, WOW! Roni Noone commented on my blog! I know I've said this before, but I'm now officially famous. Thanks Roni! I have yet to do my total tribute blog post about her, but I've been thinking on it for quite awhile. Without Roni I never would've started this crazy journey, nor would I have had the mental tools to continue it.

So, geez, my last blog entry was June 10th... well, I've been quite busy since then. My summer class is in full swing, we've traveled a lot, and I had that board meeting and stuff... anyway, no excuse, but there ya go.

Since my 5k I've run 3 times (not including tonight, which I'm definitely doing). I got up very early when we were staying at Kevin and David's near Cleveland, and ran 2 miles. I was very proud of my tenacity that day. I also got up very early on my birthday, and ran from our hotel up and around Mountaineer Field. Wow, what a culminating journey that was, running past banners of WVU football players. It was awesome that morning, coming back to the hotel, and all of my family was still asleep. I greatly value having a high "sneak." The third run was 8 days ago, on our woodsy trail at work. All of those runs went pretty well, and none of them felt pressured or anything. Just running because I like to run, and because I like to get exercise.

My next 5k is on July 10th, however, and I really need to hunker down and try to be in as good 'a shape as I was for the last one. My plan is to run tonight--2 miles--then run on either Friday or Saturday--3.1 miles. I'll do the same thing next week, running twice, only the 2nd run will be the race. I'm glad that I'm going to be doing 2 official races in 2 months, akin to Roni's commitment to do one official race per month this year. I don't know if I can manage that, as there aren't many races in my area, and I don't want to have to travel every month to a race, but we'll see. At least this is a good start. I also hope to run the "Run for the Hills" 5k--the highest race in West Virginia--in October, and/or the Beckley 5k the same month.

So, on the eating front... I've been doing well, maintaining my eating style for the most part. You know how it goes... some days/weeks you are really feeling it, and some you aren't. My weight hasn't changed much in the last few weeks, so I really do need to hunker down and pay attention to what I'm eating. Sometimes I just don't feel like entering everything I eat into Caloriecount.about.com, and when I don't enter it, I don't have to see how bad or good it was. By now though, I know how calories creep up on you throughout the day, especially if you're eating out a lot, or not eating as many veggies as you should.

Today though, I'm doing great. I had a healthy, fibrous breakfast; Lean Cuisine for lunch, watermelon as a snack, and I'm getting ready to go run. Dinner is at a friend's house, so I'm not sure what it'll be, but I know I can keep it healthy in portion size and focusing on the veg. No problem.

The thing is, if every day is a struggle, eventually you'll want to stop struggling and go with whatever flow your mind has dreamed up for you. That's a bad way to go, so I don't struggle. I make good choices, and sometimes I make poor choices. I look to people who have been there, like Roni Noone, to see how I'm supposed to keep this going when I seem to forget. And I don't let past choices affect future ones.


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